Member Organizations

Mothers out Front:
We build our power as mothers to ensure a livable climate for all children.

Fossil Free Somerville:
Grassroots group of Somerville residents, City workers and retirees who are committed to building a future free from fossil fuels and a strong grassroots climate movement.

Green and Open Somerville:
Working to improve and increase green space in Somerville, focusing on ecological restoration and native planting.

Our Revolution Somerville:
Building a coalition that advances progressive causes and politics in Somerville, MA.

Groundwork Somerville:
Strives to bring about the sustained regeneration, improvement and management of the physical environment through the development of community-based partnerships.

We communicate the science, policy, and practices of restoring soil as a climate mitigation solution.

Friends of the Urban Forest: (contact email)
Tree preservation and care, as a lens for government transparency on environmental issues

350 MA Cambridge-Somerville Node:
We are a network of volunteers living in Cambridge and Somerville (and a little farther) that engages in municipal action, statewide legislative advocacy, and narrative-changing efforts to address climate change and its environmental and community impacts.

Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (CREW):
A network of community members and local leaders building grassroots climate resilience through inclusive & hands-on education, service, and planning.

Plus, two of our founding members:

  • Somerville Climate Action

  • Indivisible Somerville